Important notice: many of these aren’t going to work with all flavours[1]

Table of Contents

Basic text modifications

Bold/Strong Text**bold**bold
Italic/Emphasised Text*italic*italic
Keyboard Buttons<kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>Z</kbd>CTRL + Z
Escape Characters\*escaping\* and &#124; pipes*escaping* and | pipes
Strikethroughed Text~~strikethrough~~strikethrough

Horizontal rule/line

Put <hr>, *** or ---.

Line break

Put <br> or end a line with two spaces.


# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6


> This is how you make a blockquote

This is how you make a blockquote

> You
>> Can
>>> Also nest them
>>>> Space after > is good practice
>>>> Add **text modifications**
> - Even lists
> - Listception with the correct indention



Also nest them

Space after > is good practice
Add text modifications

  • Even lists
    • Listception with the correct indention


Normal table

| Left-Aligned |  Centered  | Right-Aligned |
| It all       | depends on |    the colons |


Put <br> where you want the line break.

Multiline tableFancy<br>pants<br>tableFancy


Inline Code

`Encase something in backticks`
Encase something in backticks

Syntax Highlighted, Line Numbers and Line Highlight Fenced Code

```language {.custom-property-1, custom-property-2}
// Code

Enable line number with {.line-numbers}

Enable line highlight with {.highlight=}

blockquote {
	background-color: rgba(227, 91, 21, 0.1) !important;
	color: var(--text, #e4cbb3) !important;
	font-style: italic !important;
	border-left: 3.5px solid var(--ui, #e35b15) !important;

[text](link "onhover")

This is a [Useful site]( "Markdown cheatsheet").
This is a Useful site.



[1]: (link) "onhover"

[Markdown][1] is very useful.

[1]: ( "Markdown Language"

Markdown is very useful.

Makes an image act as a link to something when you click on it.[2]

[![alt]( "onhover")](link.onclick)

exo's kitteh but a link


![alt]( “onhover”)

exo's kitteh

if you guys have a kitteh pls send a pic cuz not sure if this is gpl


Unordered lists

- This is an unordered list that uses -
- You can't mix * with -
  - Nest them
  - > Blockquotes
  - [x] Even checklists can be nested
  - [ ] Unmarked ones as well
- - Weird nesting with two -

+ You can also use +

* This is also an unordered list but it uses *
  - And also nest them with either * or -
* - - Putting multiple * gives weird results

Ordered lists

  1. Ordered list with 1.
  2. Now it’s with 2.
    1. You can also use 1) but it gets rendered as 1.


- [ ] Task to do
- [x] Finished task
* [x] ~~Crossed out with *~~

Definition Lists

: Definition
A very nice language for writing documents in.
An advanced markup language.
Difficult to read.

Custom Heading id/class

## Custom Heading id {#custom-id}
## Custom Heading class {.custom-class}


[\\]: # "comment"


Click to Expand!

<summary>Click to Expand!</summary>

Table of Contents

Some markdown editors support automatic Table of Contents generation or a tag like [TOC]. You can make one by hand if you link to the heading id (usually is the same as the heading itself) in a list.

## Table of Contents -> #table-of-contents

- [text](#id)

- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [MermaidJS](#mermaidjscharts)


Shows meaning on hover.

*[Abbreviation]: Meaning

Abbreviation is a great word.

Metadata/Front Matter

If you’re converting your Markdown into something like LaTeX, you might want to put some metadata like author, date, title, theme and others.

title: Noob to Pro Markdown Guide
author: Kyle


Fancy JavaScript to make all kinds of charts.[3]

graph TD A[Try Word] -->|Realize it's bad| B(Try Learning LaTeX) B --> C{Realize it's suffering} C -->|Option One| D[Learn Markdown] C -->|Option Two| E[Learn org-mode] C -->|Option Three| F[Learn Groff]

pie title Most used Markup languages "HTML" : 42.96 "Markup" : 50.05 "LaTeX" : 10.01

graph TD
A[Try Word] -->|Realize it’s bad| B(Try Learning LaTeX)
B --> C{Realize it’s suffering}
C -->|Option One| D[Learn Markdown]
C -->|Option Two| E[Learn org-mode]
C -->|Option Three| F[Learn Groff]

title Most used Markup languages
“HTML” : 42.96
“Markup” : 50.05
“LaTeX” : 10.01


Fancy JavaScript allows you to render LaTeX with Markdown if you encase it in $.
Single $ is inline, double $$ is a block.

$$\alpha = \beta \rightarrow + Very_{fancy}$$
α=β+Veryfancy\alpha = \beta \rightarrow + Very_{fancy}


A simple footnote[^2]. Here is a more elaborate footnote[^large]. And an inline one^[Nifty for short notes]

A simple footnote[4]. Here is a more elaborate footnote[5]. And an inline one[6]

  1. The feature configuration your markdown has, many exist like CommonMark, GitHub Flavoured Markdown, Markdown-it and many others.
    I use the VSCode/Atom Markdown Preview Enhanced extension and everything in this guide works. ↩︎

  2. Credit for kitteh goes to exo, give him a star. ↩︎

  3. Data shown may not be true. ↩︎

  4. The simple footnote. ↩︎

  5. Here is one with several elements.
    You can even make them very large!

    Even quotes and other elements if you indent them correctly!

  6. Nifty for short notes ↩︎